Software DOSOFT
list price: 260 EUR (in Germany additional 19% tax)
not valid for all countries, additional packing and shipping, based on our Terms and Conditions of Trade.
request and order: info(at)doser(dot)de
PC- Software for our moisture meter AD4A and DM4A
With this software the measuring parameters can be easily be changed with a PC, while measured or stored moisture values can be transferred and saved to your harddrive.
Inteface: USB.
System requirements: Win 98 or higher
The software can be downloaded here, it is running 30 days without a lisence.
- meter settings
the settings can be uploaded. The values can be changed and downloaded to the instrument. The instrument is then immediately working with the changed settings. The changed settings will be automatically stored in a list, therefore a history of changed settings can be shown.
- calibration curves
for uncalibrated materials special customer specific calibration curves can be made.
- clock and date
at instruments with internal clock, the clock can be synchronised with the host time and date.
- stored material moisture values
the measured values can be read from the instrument. Statistic values, (Minimum, maximum and average) will be calculated. The values can be stored and restored. With one click a diagramm of the measured values will be displayed.
External Sensors for Measuring Air Humidity, Air Temperature and Surface Temperature
- sensor calibration
Our sensors LFLT and WT can be calibrated, the calibration parameters are stored in the AD4A. This parameters can be read, rated and actual values added, then the new calibration parameters can be downloaded. The calibration paramers will automatically be documentated, a list with all the calibrations related to the serial number of the AD4A can be shown.
- sensor values
with connected sensors for air humidity, air temperature (LFLT) and surface temperature (WT), the measured signals can be transfered and recorded in an adjustable intervall, also the dew point will be calculated and additional the difference between surface temperature and dew point for recognizing, if there is a danger for growing mold. This recorded values can be displayed graphically in a diagram.
- datalogger
Our AD4A is able to work as a datalogger and can store up to 1000 values of air humidity, air temperature (LFLT) and surface temperature (WT). The datalogger values can be transferred, and also the dew point will be calculated and additional the difference between surface temperature and dewpoint for recognizing if there is a danger for growing mold.