Material Moisture Measuring Devices

In our delivery programm there are material moisture measuring devices for different materials. In our programm there are instruments with capacitive measuring principle as well as conductance measuring ones.


Additional to our hand held devices we are also making customer specific online measuring systems.

011: moisture meter for snow

AD4A: universal moisture meter with capacitive measuring principle

graphival display, qick bargraph

measurement storage, USB interface

AD4A-C: special version for caravans and mobile homes



moisture measuring system for wooden chips and pelets

different length with extension pipes

Sensor Ø 22mm


universal moisture meter with capacitive measuring principle

digital display

measurement storage, USB interface

DM4A-C: special version for caravans and mobile homes

DM7-AL: moisture meter for veneers with capacitive measuring principle
specially for thin materials

USB Interface



DS3U: moisture meter with sword electrode for moisture measurements in stacks of paper or cardboards, digital Display 
with measurement storage and USB interface

DS5U: moisture meter for waste paper balls

capacitive measuring principle, digital display

with measurement storage and USB interface


special moisture meter for veneers with capacitive measuring principle

30 fixed calibrations for veneers, digital display

with measuirement storage and USB interface


LD2, LD3: moisture meter with capacitive merasring principle for leather and leather fibres

digital display



pin type moisture meter with conductance measuring principle

digital display

temperature correction

PD1-AL: robust paper moisture meter

capacitive measuring principle

digital display

PELAN: measuring system for pelets and wooden chips

with 2 capacitive sensors and a conductance amplifier

integrated balance for weight and density measurement

Bluetooth interface